
Saturday, February 27, 2010

It's cold. It's drizzling. It's perfect.

It’s cold in Gainesville this morning and I’m jumping-up-and-down excited!

Before I continue, let me attempt to soften appalling insensitivity. I sincerely apologize to all living creatures north of here. I understand that Gainesville’s cold is not “real” cold … and that your cold is. I know it’s no fun at your house. And in your eyes, Gainesville is downright balmy. If it makes you feel any better, it's drizzling.

But I’m excited and I can’t help it. When it’s cold in Gainesville, it’s the rarest gift for a runner. If I close my eyes on my run this morning, I can pretend it’s November 7th in New York and I am rounding Columbus Circle and nearing the finish line in Central Park. (Note to self: Keep NYC fantasy brief. Open eyes before I slam into a parked car.)

So, I’m so sorry for all the rest of you. But a guilty little part of me is quietly celebrating here in Gainesville. Cold day. Warm heart.

I wish you all a great weekend. Stay cozy.

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